Moving Day

The baby was up most of the night but it ended up being a blessing in disguise.  My husband took care of her most of the morning, and now as they are both catching up on sleep, I am outside watching the bumble bees and butterflies do their morning chores among the flowers.

It’s moving day- and of course will be 90 degrees and humid. I thought we’d be in a rush to get back home, but there’s been no frantic rush to go anywhere.

I wish I could say the vacation was all sunshine and rainbows- although, we did have days with both.  The kids and I took turns being sick, so that cut out a good week and a half from the fun.

Our favorite days were spent playing in sun-showers in the front lawn; or watching baby learn to hit a t-ball; Dinners with my Dad; and waiting for my husband to get home from work to do some adventures in the area.

It’s been a blessing, and I pray the kids remember some of it.  My son loves the area- he got to camp out with his Grandfather, and run through the yard here like he did as a toddler.

We did so much, and still in four weeks I feel like I didn’t get to do everything I had planned.  I had hoped to run a yard sale to get rid of some excess things that were left behind in sheds.  I didn’t get to wander around by the creek picking up stones.  I only did a little artwork, but I did collect enough photos to have plenty to work from during the colder months when we are stuck indoors.

And a thank you to my husband for making this all possible- and I apologize again for calling you crying about the bat flying thru the house that one evening.  As my son says, “You’re a country girl, you should be able to handle this”.


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