Check In

A checkup and check in since reducing my digital social media-

To recap- I recently unfollowed everyone (almost 400 people) on Facebook.  Groups. Sales Pages. Businesses I liked. Bands. TV shows.  Things I didn’t remember joining. Friends, family.  I was unmerciful. I unfollowed it all.

For a week, I’d spin thru my abbreviated newsfeed and only find an occasional rogue group or person I had missed on my cull.  I slowly weaned myself off even checking the timeline because now there was nothing on it.

Twitter and Instagram too it’s place.  Twitter, however, is now gone.  I found I am not witty enough for the banter.  I don’t understand half what is written there, and I had nothing meaningful to contribute to it.  Gone.

Instagram has been wonderful. I am filling my feed with artists from around the world- some I know or knew from school- most I have never met, but admire.  I have satisfied my urge to control what I see with this feed.

With Facebook, I did find that I missed out on some important things- a friend’s cancer journey made me pause and revisit who and what I follow on it.  I have slowly added family and friends back on- not nearly the number I had.  Most groups I muted, and check when there is something I need- not when Facebook decides I need to hear something.

There is a sweet, precious life waiting for me on the other side of the bright lights of my smartphone screen.  I have lived it once, because I am old enough to remember life before computers in the home and smartphones in every hand.   I would love to get back to that life- and focus on the real, tangible world surrounding me- 100% focus on my family and work.

I am hoping that by tightly controlling my newsfeed, I can inch closer to my dream of a less digital life.